Opinions, rantings, and anything else
Opinions, rants, and everything else
Homosexuality-This is an issue I feel pretty strongly about. I think gay people deserve the same rights as straight people. I don't understand why people have a problem with it. Some reasons I've heard were:"It's gross", they say. Fine, don't look. "I can't be attracted to a girl/a guy". Ummm, no one's asking you to. You can't tell someone else who to be attracted to. "The bible says it's wrong". The bible was written more than 3,000 years ago, not by god, and it also says "thou shall not judge", which anyone who says homosexuality is wrong is doing. The bible is also against masturbation, and most people don't care. "Gay people have AIDS." Well, so do straight people. In fact, two women having sex are less likely to catch the HIV virus than straight people having sex. "Gay people have pre-marrital sex". Again, so do straight people. It's not natural. Well, it exists it animals. Ignorance like this doesn't have any basis. I'm also for homesexuals adopting. Your sexual preference has nothing to do with your ability to raise a child.
Abortion- I'm pro-choice. Again, I'm 'live and let live'. If you don't want to have an abortion, then don't. It's pretty simple. If someone else wants to, they should be able to without everyone telling her it's murder, which I think it isn't. Even the bible doesn't consider a fetus a life, which is funny considering I've heard a lot of people use the bible as a reason for being anti-choice.
Green ketsup- It's just wrong! Ketsup is red! It's one of the laws of life, like gravity! How can we live like this?
Love at first sight- I don't believe in it. When you look at a person, you can't tell what their personality is like. All you can see is their looks. That's not what a realationship is made out of.
Condom machines at school- Sure, why not? It'll encourge kids to have sex? Please. Do want to kill someone every time you see a knife? Why is this different? Certain people who want to have sex and can't get a condom will do it anyway, not give up the idea (though some will wait until they've got a condom- everyone's different, y'know). Why not make it more available and help keep the pregnancy/STD's count down? It's pretty ignorant to pretend teenagers aren't having sex. They are; now do something about it.
Avril Lavigne- I like her songs. They're catchy. She's pretty. But. Ugh. The Avril trend is just so annoying. In all her songs she says how different and special she is. First of all, no offense, but she's not. No one is completly different. And then all the teenyboppers go out and dress the same. Heh. Then she says she's a rebel, she's punk, she's against primping and glamour. So what's that layer of makeup on her face called? Or is black eyeliner and lip gloss not considered makeup?
Pre-marrital sex- I'm all for it. If you aren't don't have sex. Good for you. Don't tell other people what to do. Don't tell me, you'll get pregnant/get an STD. Condoms, anyone? Thanks. Not everyone who has sex before getting married is a slut. There's incest, there's rape, there's the girl who has sex with her boyfriend. And what if you never get married? What, never has sex? What about people who CAN'T get married? Should they never have sex, either? And what about people who get married at 14? Is it ok to have sex then? Why does a little piece of paper and a ring make such a big difference?